I’ve had to negotiate on behalf of my previous company many times but when it came to negotiating for myself I used to get so nervous.  

I remember thinking: 

  • What if I’m asking for too much? 
  • What if they laugh in my face?
  • Who am I to ask for this, I should just be grateful for the job. 

It’s well known that there is a gender pay gap between men and women and some of it can be attributed to women negotiating less in the workplace and also to how society perceives women who ask for more (it’s not just down to us!). Companies also need to be more transparent with their pay/reward packages and from 2017 they have to publish their gender pay gap figures. 

On an individual level, negotiations is an area we can work on like any new skill, it can be learned and practised, so if you feel that you would benefit from learning more, here are my top tips for making negotiations easier.

  1. First of all, let’s reframe our mindset/ perspective 

A negotiation is between two parties, it should be mutually beneficial.  You both getting something out of the negotiation, so see it as a problem-solving discussion.  In this frame of mind, you are asking for something that will benefit everyone, helping you become more comfortable with seeking and going through with the negotiation. 

  1. Always prepare

If you are asking for a pay rise, prepare a list of why this would help you and then another list of why it would help the organisation.  Remember that it costs companies a lot to recruit another person than to keep an employee, especially if you are engaged, productive and supportive because you are being rewarded accordingly.

  1. Look for the wider benefits

In the negotiation, offer an explanation for what you want that gives a legitimate reason for it.  When the reasons are related to higher goals they appear more reasonable.  Signal concern for the broader organisation, and look from a team-orientated perspective to avoid backlash.  

  1. Practice 

Practice negotiating for others to build your comfort with it. Practice in different situations, if you’re buying large furniture items, often there is scope for some haggling, if you’re renewing your car insurance, seek these as opportunities for practice to gain confidence in it.             

  1. Look for the BATNA

BATNA means ‘Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement’. 

It’s the course of action you take if a deal is not possible. It gives you a walk-away power, so if you don’t get the pay rise that you want, what is the alternative pay level you would accept?  It helps to figure out the other side’s BATNA too.  

  1. Research

Women do better in negotiation when they know the bargaining range.  When we see the upper limits it’s easier to negotiate, therefore it helps to research typical salary ranges, and then these can be used in the negotiations. Check out recruiter pages for similar roles that you do or ask around in your network. Talking about money has been a taboo for too long and if we want transparency it may be time to start being more open about what we earn.   

  1. Always be pleasant and friendly in negotiations and don’t threaten.  

When we see it as something mutually beneficial then you are looking to also support the organisation and have them supporting you.  We are looking for a win-win solution, so find ways that maintain or improve the relationship for both parties. 

  1. Be creative in what you ask for

Negotiations are not only about money, often it’s working hours, location of work, and added benefits.  Look at the whole picture and what each would give to you and your employer.  If you’re coming back from maternity leave then talking about flexibility at work will be important. 

I hope these practical tips help you to feel more confident in negotiating.  It can be an uncomfortable area to get started in but one that is so important.  Knowing your value and evidencing your important contributions at work are a great starting point.  If you require support in this please feel free to contact me.  My workbook in Negotiations and Networking has some self-reflection tasks to also support you in these areas. 

(Reference: Women in Leadership course Case Western Reserve)