Developing Your Personal Brand

Developing Your Personal Brand

A personal brand is how you want people to see you. This is not about creating a fake personality or persona to look impressive.  It’s about developing your authentic presence at work because your brand is based on what you value.   It also highlights your...
5 Steps To Take Before A Career Change

5 Steps To Take Before A Career Change

After a few years into a role, you may be thinking of a career change.  There are many ways people respond to changes, some embrace them head-on, others take a while to think about all the options available to them, and some people take a long time to bring about any...
Coaching For When You Start To Feel Burnout

Coaching For When You Start To Feel Burnout

I’ve spent time with many women over the last few weeks and it’s great to have conversations about where we are and what we are doing. Some are working part-time, full-time, running their businesses, or starting to work on a new business.    But there are recurring...
How To Make Negotiations Easier in 8 Steps 

How To Make Negotiations Easier in 8 Steps 

I’ve had to negotiate on behalf of my previous company many times but when it came to negotiating for myself I used to get so nervous.   I remember thinking:  What if I’m asking for too much?  What if they laugh in my face? Who am I to ask for...
How To Build Your Assertiveness in 3 Steps

How To Build Your Assertiveness in 3 Steps

The balance between being respectful and speaking your mind can be a precarious one for South Asian women.  The reasons that still many South Asian women feel that they are not assertive enough are complex and due to many factors in how we are raised, the role...